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YshaYe Sacred Rose Temple
Become the person you wish to be, creating the world you wish to live in.

Betz McKeown, HTP, INHC, CTCM
Temple Founder & Keeper

Transformation & Empowerment Coaching
Energy Healing 
Intuitive Card Readings 
Holy Oil Anointing 

(This site is still under transformation and not all pages or links are active. Please be patient and come back soon!)


A Little About Me 
I have played many roles and worn many masks: Daughter, granddaughter. Girl, woman. Wife, mother, grandmother. Friend, antagonist, competitor. Student, initiate, apprentice. Victim, survivor, thriver. Healer, coach, counselor. Teacher, mentor, author. Priestess, witch, alchemist. Maiden, Mother, Matriarch, Crone. 

Who I am really, though - who I am under the masks - is an embodied soul who has lived a full, rich, difficult, joyful, terrifying, painful, redemptive life. In the process, I have healed a lot of trauma, removed many masks, and am reclaiming my Authentic Sovereign Self. And I am deeply committed to guiding others in doing the same. Join me - let's reawaken our Sacred Sovereign Selves, restore & integrate the energies of the Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine both within ourselves and in the collective, and in doing so, begin to bring balance and purpose back to our personal lives and the world at large.

 Reclaim Your Authentic Sovereign Self

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