Soooo Many New Things!
Hey there!
Oh my gosh ... where do I start??
First, I am almost completely moved into my new office. Most of the furniture is in and placed (until I move it all around again). I'm still looking for something to put sheets, blankets, and towels in, but I can use my cedar chest until just the right piece arrives. And then all I have left is the fun decorating things!
I have all the supplies I need to start making beaded jewelry, specifically prayer necklaces (along the lines of rosaries or malas). I've been thinking about it for a while now, and within just a couple of days, everything simply landed in my lap: the beads (deep gratitude to Alison Sherwood, creator of most of the jewelry I wear); the supplies like wire, spacer beads, etc (two big boxes full from a yard sale after receiving Alison's beads); and the tools (thanks to my husband, who many years ago used to repair cameras, watches, and jewelry, and kept all of his tools). So, I'll be making prayer necklaces and maybe a few other things. I can't wait to see what wants to be created!
Speaking of Alison ... she interviewed me for her Facebook business group. It was deep, it was empowering, it was informative, it was FUN! Her Deep Rooted Woman group is private, but if you ask to join and answer her questions, she'll be happy to admit you and you can see our Real Talk interview, posted on September 9. https://www.facebook.com/groups/187644188633417
I've made some serious progress on my website! The Home Page is done and live, and I've got the basics of the About Me and Services pages in place but not yet published. To be honest, the biggest hurdle for me has been to come out as authentically ME as I can. I've hidden so much of myself - people pleasing, peace-keeping, going along to get along, being everybody to everyone (except to myself), and not wanting to be too weird that I pretty much didn't even know exactly who I was. I knew what I did, and I it was clear that what I did I did very well, but didn't know who I was doing it. Well, I'm ready to claim - and proclaim - my authentic self now. I am a priestess in ministry to the sacred feminine. And I do priestessy, sacred feminine'ish things. I always have, I just never thought of my work as priestess work. I'll go more in depth of what 'sacred feminine' means to me in another post. In the meantime, if you want to follow along with my progress - and my commitment to myself that my website will be fully operational by the end of this week - you can do so here. :)

Speaking of my services... I am still offering a discount on them through the month of October, basically an open house special, of 20% off most of my services:
Somato-Energy Healing, regularly $157, now just $126.
Done in-person or remotely, these sessions help to heal and balance on all levels - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Depending on what I sense is needed, I may utilize any number of energy/vibrational medicines: Healing Touch, Reiki, sound, crystals, percussion, oils, sacred geometry, etc.
EmpowHERment Card Readings, regularly $187, now just $150.
These in-person or virtual intuitive readings help to shine light on where you're headed, what you can draw upon to assist in your journey, and how best to get there.
Spiritual Counseling, 12 sessions regularly $1500, now $1200; OR 24 sessions regularly $2750, now just $2200.
In-person or remote, counseling with me utilizes all the tools and techniques at my disposal, helping to clear blocks, address trauma, and release resistance so that you can embody the freedom of your authentic, most empowered, and sovereign life that you were born to live.
YshaYe Holy Oil Anointings, $333 for a 3 hour session (no discount offered on anointings)
Using the highest quality organic essential oils that have been lovingly and sacredly sanctified, these ancient holy rituals assist with the deepest of transitions, transformations, and initiations. An in-depth consultation is done before scheduling the anointing itself.
Please let me know if you have any questions about these offerings. Soon they will be available to schedule via my website, but in the meantime, please contact me directly:
Email: Betz@BetzMcKeown.com
Text or Phone: 336-817-1726
With love & gratitude,
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