It's a New Year! Happy 2024!
First, a follow up to my last blog post ... I have settled on my Word for 2024! Plus a couple of others as support. Honestly, I had resistance to this Word because of what I have made it mean. And of course resistance means an opportunity to release old definitions and feelings and stuff that no longer serve my highest good.
My Word of the Year for 2024 is 'Success.' So, my initial response is that 'success' is so capitalistic, so hierarchical, so patriarchal! And my next thoughts were: Why am I making it mean those things? What can Success mean to me now? With this new definition, how do I accomplish Success, and what does it feel like? How do I use this Success in compassionate service? How can my Success make the world a better and healthier place? And what else do I need to know about Success? I'm already getting some insight into these questions, and I'm starting to feel excited! These Words for me are always deeper, more expansive, often more challenging, and always more transformative than I can originally imagine.
My two supportive words are 'Play' (deeply needed in my too-serious life) and 'Authenticity' (a long-term work in process). It feels like Play will help to make Success an easier energy to embody this year, and Authenticity is a personal goal that I've held for a while, something I work with with my clients, and the most important step towards empowerment and sovereignty. With these guiding energies to at least jumpstart the year, 2024 is bound to be a a humdinger. And here we go...!

I will be taking the month of January off - no social media, no working my business (of course my schedule is already filling up, and I'm always available to my clients for sessions, but I won't be actively promoting my services). Everything business related is on hold. I have a strong inner urge for somehting new to come through, and I'm giving it time and space to make itself known. Throw in a little meditation, intuition, and intention, and I hope to unveil this ... whatever it is ... in February.
In the meantime, I have this New Year special to share that I had already had planned. If you've wanted to schedule a reading with me but just kept putting it on hold, now is the perfect time to act....
Intuitive 2024 EmpowHERment Readings
90 minutes of deep-dive insight & guidance for your 2024. We will highlight:
~ A snapshot of where you are right now, informed by the recent past.
~ Your potential path forward.
~ Your challenges & their inherent opportunities for the year.
~ The inner & outer resources you can draw upon.
~ A direct message from Spirit/your guides/angels/ancestors.
~ Inspired action steps to create your best possible 2024!
Just $111 (regularly $187) if purchased this first week of January. You may purchase as many readings as you like, for yourself or to give as gifts. *Must be used by 12/31/2024.* To purchase, please contact me directly:
With love & gratitude & blessings for a joyous New Year,
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and anybody you think might be interested!
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